That is what the text said
on Tuesday afternoon.
As I was enjoying the final few moments of a tanning session at 7-Peaks Water Park Tuesday afternoon, I heard a woman next to me tell her daughter, "Look at that big fire. It's up by our house." I looked over and tried to navigate where that fire must have been. I told myself it was probably in the neighboring city on the other side of our mountain cove.
I was wrong.
As I got in my car to drive home from 7-Peaks I reached into my glove box to grab my phone. It was vibrating. It was my mom. The first thing she said was, "Have you talked to Ryan? To which my answer was, "No." To which she said, "You need to call home right now!" So I hung up and noticed that I had received a text from my husband with those words, ""Our mountain is on fire" with the above picture attached. I called my husband and got the voicemail. Desperate for information I then called a few neighbors, friends, my husband (again) and finally got ahold of a neighbor who lives a few houses away. She filled me in on the details and set my mind at ease (a little bit). But when you are 30 minutes away and have no idea how bad it is and how close it is to your house, you have to try not to panic. The drive home was chaos with several back-to-back phone calls and texts from friends and family who had heard about the fire. I had three little kids in my backseat while all this was going on so mama was trying to get information while trying to stay calm :)
We got home and saw this view from the end of our cul-de-sac. We weren't in immediate danger but it was still kind of crazy around my neck of the woods. Neighbors were packing up their trucks and motor homes. Planes and
choppers were flying overhead. I figured, while we were waiting around to see what would happen, that it was as good a time as any to make sure our 72-hour kits were ready for a summer evacuation. As I was going about my business my hubby came in and nonchalantly told me that there had been a message that we were suppose to evacuate. I was like, "What?!? Are you serious?" He kind of acted like we may or may not follow orders. Then, 10 minutes later we got a knock on the door. It was an officer informing us of a mandatory 10 minute evacuation. We gathered up our bags, a few important documents, started taking pictures of all our possessions (for insurance purposes), packed 3 quilts in the car (two from two different grandmothers and my scrap jar star quilt) and grabbed our dog, Molly.
This is a mild view from our way out of town.
Luckily, we were only evacuated till about noon the next day (July 4th).
The fire has moved quite a bit south since then - closer to our house. But it's about half to two-thirds of the way up the mountain so we feel relatively safe.
Here is a picture from our master bedroom. You can really see what's going on when it's dark. This was from night one (we may have stopped home to get a few more things and take this picture.) It was about 10 hours after the fire began.
This last photo was one we took when we got home from the fireworks last night (night 2). I could see this from my baby's window last night (well, he's not a baby - he's 10 - but he's still my baby, you know?) That made me kind of sad but I tried not to draw any attention to the view out his window as I tucked him into bed last night.
This morning I woke up to the sound of helicopters at 7:30 a.m.
Things are really bustling around here. My husband just came in and opened the blinds as I'm writing this. It's raining. Prayers are being answered. We really need the moisture. Hopefully thunder and wind will not accompany this down pour. Keep praying for us, o.k.?
I am so thankful to the firefighters who help to fight these fires. They put their lives in danger to help protect the homes and families here. And those, pilots who are flying through the rough terrain of our mountains dropping water and fire retardant. They are amazing. I know there are many others out there helping and serving in countless other ways too. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Also, I have to give a quick thank you to those of you who have sent concerned emails, texts and phone calls to make sure we're o.k. I haven't heard from some of you in a LONG time and the fact that you would call/write means the world to me. I know many other families are dealing with similar trials right now and I wish you all the best too!
Talk to you soon.
P.S. If you are interested in hearing more information about the Quail Fire in Alpine, Utah click HERE.

Oh, Amber! I can't imagine having to evacuate my home. I know they're just things and it doesn't matter as long as everyone is safe, but it's still so very overwhelming. Praying and sending good (wet) thoughts your way!
ReplyDeleteOh my word...what an ordeal. My thoughts are with you and your community. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you rain! ((hugs))
ReplyDeleteOh wow!!! that is one scarey site..glad you are all ok.
ReplyDeleteI know what that feels like. When I lived in CA we had a fire right behind our house once. Scary! Glad you are safe.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, Amber, that must have been so frightening. I am so glad you and your family are all okay & your home is safe. I'll be keeping you in my prayers throughout this fire season. We've already had a couple of fires here in AZ, but no where near us. I always dread this time of year.
Keeping you and yours in our thoughts and prayers. Be safe!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness Amber! We saw that exact fire burning last night as we were watching fireworks from our back porch (we live down in Southern Utah County). So scary!! The thought of evacuating my house fa-reaks me out! I'm so sorry you were part of all that, but I am SO thankful it is finally raining. This moisture truly is an answer to prayers.
ReplyDeleteGlad to read that the fire moved away from you so you could go back home. Stay safe.
Goodness! I am so glad the rain is making things better and your family and home are safe.
ReplyDeleteKeeping you and all those fighting the fires in my prayers. So glad to know you are safe. Know that so many have lost so much.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes to you all, keep safe x
ReplyDeleteKeeping good thoughts for your family and your home...also for those firefighters and volunteers who are helping ensure those fires don't get to your home.
You and yours are in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteWe're so glad you're okay, sounds like you were well prepared, and hope that rain allows things to calm down in your neck of the woods. My daughter told me this morning it had rained finally (she's been in Provo almost a year and misses it!).
Lisa and your Connecting Threads friends
That is scary. Hope everything turns out find. My son had a house fire once. It wasn't fun. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful that you, your family and your home are safe! I live in Colorado Springs and last week we lost 346 homes to a monster fire. My heart goes out to all of those families as well. Thank the Lord for our firefighters, police and others who make us safe!
ReplyDeleteHoly scary Batman! That was a very close call. I'm so relieved you and your family were spared.
ReplyDeleteOh Amber!! My prayers are with you and your family!
ReplyDeleteThose are scary times. We have been evacuated before and the fire burned to our front yard. As you said - the firefighters are amazing at saving structures.
ReplyDeleteHow scary! Your pictures are very frightening. I don't believe I'd be calm at all. Keep us posted how you're doing and we'll continue to think of you, your family, and your community.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to hear you are safe! I'm praying for everyone affected by the fires and weather this summer.
ReplyDeletePraying that you continue to be safe.
ReplyDeleteAmber, I have been thinking about you and your family. I'm glad that you're doing pretty good. Those pictures are pretty terrifying! We will keep you guys in our prayers :-)
ReplyDeletePraying for lots and lots of rain for you and all those in harm's way...
ReplyDeleteOh wow!! That was too close! Glad to hear you and house are safe!
ReplyDeleteI live in Florida, Amber, so fires are not our predominant threat... we worry about hurricanes... but, for all the news about the fires and the heat, you've put a very human face to what those of you who live in that part of the country deal with... glad it had a happy outcome for you, and pray that it will always be so...
ReplyDeleteFire is so scary..we have watched from Australia as wild fires ripped through Colorado Springs. It always makes me cry. I'm really glad that the awesome firefighters were able to keep your community safe.
ReplyDeleteWe live in an area that is prone to fire so in summer we're always ready for the evac order.
I hope the rain stays a bit longer to soak through. Stay safe...L xo
Oh, my, Amber! I am so sorry for the fire being so close to your home and neighborhood!! That is so scary!! You all are in my prayers! Wishing you loads of rain!!
ReplyDeleteHow terrible!! We live in the country...not on a water line...vol firemen (our heroes)...and wildfires are one of my biggest fears! so far this summer we have had some is a year to year ordeal...will be sending positive vibes your way.
ReplyDeleteThis looks terrifying. I can't imagine what you are all going through at the moment. Keeping you your family and community in my prayers. Hope the heavens really open up for you.
ReplyDeleteSooo glad to hear that you are safe! We have had to evacuate 4 times over the years, once over the 4th of July too. It puts things in perspective, doesn't it? Sending you good thoughts for full containment soon. hugs
ReplyDeleteSo glad that you and your family are safe, Amber. I'm praying for you guys!
ReplyDeleteI'm so grateful you and your family are safe! We were evacuated from our home last week because of the Wood Hollow fire in Sanpete County so I know how you feel! I am in the process of organizing a quilt drive for people in the Western United States who have lost their homes to these terrible fires. There have been approximately 750 homes destroyed so far! That's a lot of quilts, but I know we can do it!!! :o) You can go to for more information about what we're doing. I'll be sending you an e-mail about this project in a couple of days and hope you'll share the information with your followers. Hugs!!!
ReplyDeleteMy prayers go out to you, your family and your community. Let's hope the heavens open up with rain.
ReplyDeleteHow scary! My thoughts and prayers are with you and all those poor people dealing with the fire. Thank goodness you're safe...oh and I call my 15 year old my baby still, because he is :)
ReplyDeletePrayers for you and all the families in the path of the fires, what a scary thing to face each day
ReplyDeleteMay the Lord Bless you and keep you may His face shine upon you. May you be wrapped in His favor guarded and protected by the Lord God Almighty. Lord send down Your refreshing rains, open Your warehouses in heaven and let it rain, restoring the dry and thirsty lands. I speak Life to this land, renewal to this nation. Peace to those who have been placed in danger. Lord thank you for sending forth Your former and latter rains upon this nation.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and your family.
sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com
I am hoping and praying that they fire is under control soon. I am in Colorado springs and we just had the perfect fire storm occurr and many many homes were lost. It was devastating to watch and realize how close it was. Hugs to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you grabbed the Scrap Jar Star quilt! :) Love ya.... I hope the rain helped!
ReplyDeleteOh my, Amber. How frightening. I have been off line a lot, so had no idea. Prayers for you, your family and all the families being threatened. Hope by now the rain has helped.
ReplyDeleteOh no! Praying you and your house stay safe and sound.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are with you and your family. I grewq up in a brushfire zone in western Australia and I will know that frantic stillness when you're waiting, hoping, watching the wind.
ReplyDeleteAmber - that is so scary, I didn't realize you lived so close to the Quail Fire. It really has been crazy with all the fires in Utah. I am so glad you and your family are safe! Take care.
ReplyDeleteHope you are safe today. That the weather has cooperated. I have family in Colorado, and they too have been affected by smoke and fire. Luckily, they did not have to evacuate. Makes us all re-think what we would take. I am working on an evacuation bag, just in case. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteOh my, I'm glad your family and your house are safe and hope you stay safe. What a scary experience.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a terrible, terrible year for fires. :( We moved into Colorado Springs just as the fire here was approaching its worst point. It's all so sad!
ReplyDeleteThat is just too close for comfort! What a harrowing experience. So glad that y'all are safe and praying for drenching rain. My in laws were evacuated from a New Mexico fire and an aunt and uncle were out of their home in Colorado for 4 weeks. Praying for rain for all of us.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful that you had a happy ending to this scary story. Stay safe . . .
ReplyDeleteThat's just awful about your neighbourhood but I'm glad to hear you and yours are ok. Stay safe!
ReplyDeleteWow Amber! I'm so late reading blogs - I hope the rains over the weekend helped to put your fire out. That's scarey!
ReplyDeleteReminds me of our fires here in Texas. One fire we watched closely was about 10 miles away as a crow flies but it was jumping roads and fire breaks. Y'all sounded so calm. Glad you are safe. Thank God for the rain.