So, Lindalu from Bunko - you are the winner of a new Golden Crow Brag Book! Call me or email me at and we'll talk about how we can make this book perfect for you. Congrats!
What movie is this from?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sarah Anne Rader & me. Friends since the first grade. Love & missin' ya Sarah!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

French Roses Quilt for M
There was actually a little (it seemed big at the time) fiasco when I had this quilt quilted. Let's just say I spent about 5 hours clipping the raw edges that the quilter had sewn over (showing the backside of all the fabrics.) So - word to the wise, if you ever have a raw edge applique quilt quilted, then tell who ever is doing the quilting that she can go over the raw edges, but not to fold over the fabrics in the process. BIG learning experience for me! But anyways, it's done now. It was a big labor of love and M will be able to keep it forever. She was practically giddy when it was time to put it on her bed. She made me laugh when she was sitting on the bed with it and she rolled her hands over the multi-colored square border saying "I love these (skip the green) and I love these!" She's obviously a pink girl. Doesn't care so much for the green. Hopefully she'll learn to accept that it has some green on it as she gets a little older.
Checked binding on the the backing 40% off (if you know me I am not a sale getter, so I was pretty proud of my purchase. Didn't even have the quilt with me when I bought the back fabric. I think it goes quite nicely.)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
B is at a funny age too. The big SIX. I have to jot down this story that happened a few weeks ago. It was so great. So RJ is "The Scout Master" in our ward so B totally tags along to lots of the scout activities. He goes as much as he can. He loves it. He told me a few months ago that he is a "scout cub" (for those of you that don't know about scouts, it's "Cub scout." But whatever. It was cute.) So B has been camping in the snow and rain. Can you believe that!?! It's crazy. My little baby! Anyways, so a few weeks ago B goes to this Young Men/Young Women activity where they decorated Pine Wood Derby cars and then had races. B apparently ended up winning the entire race and received somebody's old broken karate trophy for the prize. He was so proud of that thing. He would get the biggest smile any time someone would ask him about winning. He loved it. Well, I think it was the night he won, that I found him shining his trophy. It was after his bedtime and I was like "B, what are you doing?!?" and he said, "I want it clean!" Then the next morning I was making sure his backpack was all ready to go for school and I found the trophy inside! I laughed, "B! Why are you taking your trophy to school?" Well, he wanted to show his friends on the bus. So I let him. But then he wanted to take it again a few weeks later so I had to explain to him about bragging and showing off. But, I just thought it was so funny to see how much that trophy meant to him (and it was actually suppose to be a joke if one of the Young Men or Young Women won it.) He's a good kid and has a really good heart.
I sure love my babies. Thing One and Thing Two. My Kidlets. (Don't ask. Don't know where "Kidlets" came from:) I'm weird.)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
inside this cute little envelope
just so she could give me a little cash so that we could buy some of this (in fat quarter form)

so we can make one of these
(picture & quilt design by Nettie over at A Quilt is Nice )

for somebody special in the family (I better not mention any names right now:))
Won't that be cute though!?!
And Brittany's card? Isn't it so cute? She totally could have sent that in a regular old white envelope, but instead she decided to send a little extra love along with her Benjamin. She is so sweet!
I've also been working on this:
And this:
These are the first 2 out of 20 blocks I will be making for a sampler I started last month. This is a project that the Alpine Quilt Guild is doing this year. All of the blocks have to do with Alpine in some way. The church is based off of the red brick church that the quilt guild has been meeting in for 20 years. But, as you can see, mine is orange. The star is called The Sherriff's Nine Patch (hey, every town has a sherriff right?) We've also been given patterns for Delectable Mountains (which I am considering tossing out because it is giving me fits) and a Scrappy Log Cabin. I am really excited about this quilt. It's fun picking different fabrics for each block. I just wish they would give us all of the patterns now, instead of month by month!
Here are mine for March:
These are the ones I got in February:
"No, I'm not pregnant."
(And, I have a tendency to regret putting postings up on this blog where I rant and rave about things, so I will try not to say too much:))
I'm just wondering why some people find it necessary to ask someone if they are pregnant when they aren't 100% sure? Why is that? Maybe they feel like it will make them and the person they're asking (if they're right) kindred spirits because they were the first person to know the "secret"? But, if they are wrong, it could really make that person's day go from good to bad. Right? Wouldn't it be better to just wait and let their hunch be verified either way at the appropriate time?
I guess that is all I will say about that.
Oh, but before I go, I feel like I should apologize for not having abs of steel. Sorry people, but yeah, I'm kind of down right now. Guess I really do need to get going on losing those 15 pounds.
Man, some people...what are they thinking?