
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Amazon Gift Card Winners + IronEZ Discount Code

Thanks to everyone who made my mouth water by sharing their favorite Thanksgiving dishes on my giveaway post last week!  Seriously, I think I gained 5 pounds just reading your comments!  Speaking of which, a few of you asked for the Wisconsin Cranberry Pie recipe so come back Monday for that!

I also want to thank my friends at Iron EZ who reached out to me offering such a great giveaway to my followers!  I mean, who doesn't love free money to spend at Amazon (my cart is always loaded there!)?  And their generosity with the 15% off Iron EZ discount code was the cherry on top.  The good news is, I just found out the discount code "AJ15" will be good for a few more weeks (plus there is free shipping on all US orders!).  Visit their site to get yourself an Iron EZ.  And just imagine...a lifetime of not having your spray bottle fall off your ironing board!  Ha!  It's pure bliss...

So without further ado, the winners of the two Amazon $25 gift cards are...

Babiesdoc (comment #52) and Teresa S. (comment #75).  
I will get in touch with you and get those gift cards sent right off to you!

Edit: the first two winners were chosen and contacted twice but did not respond within a week.  I believe their email addresses were not connected to their blogger account and they did not leave their email address in their comments either so I had no way to get in touch with them.  So I picked two new winners today, 12/11/19 (which are reflected above).

Have a great day everyone!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Congratulations to the winners! Enjoy :)!

  2. Just went and ordered one. I am always looking for my spray, this will be great. Thanks so much.

    1. I hope you love yours as much as I love mine!

      Have a great day!

  3. Thank you, Amber! I emailed my info to you just now!


I ♥ to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment. I read each one and try to respond as often as I can. Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Amber