
Monday, July 27, 2020

Stash Hash Quilt-Along: Week 2

Good morning!  Welcome to week 2 of the Stash Hash Quilt-Along.

The assignment for this week is to do all the cutting for your chosen quilt size.
Note: If you're doing a scrappy background it may take longer to do the cutting.
You're welcome to cut fabric each week as needed but if you take the time
to do all the cutting this week it will make the assignments for weeks 3-12 to go a lot faster.

I have a time-saving tip for cutting the non-scrappy background fabric.
Check out my tutorial for Quick Rotary Cutting.  

Follow the idea there to cut your background strips 
and then crosscut into squares or rectangles.

To quickly cut the 5" squares on the diagonal once, keep your 
squares in place on your cutting mat while you make the diagonal cuts.   

You should be able to cut through several squares
(in adjacent rows) in one swoop as shown in the next few photos.

Be careful not to bump or move the pieces as you move the ruler to the next diagonal.

Cut through all of the squares once.

And voila!  You'll have all of the triangles 
needed for the star point HST's cut in a snap!

You can use the Quick Rotary Cutting method 
to cut all of the background pieces.

It will take a little more time to cut your bright fabrics but
enjoy seeing those pretties that you've treasured for so long!
This is when you get to plan the color scheme for each star.

After you finish cutting you will be all ready to start sewing next week.
I think you're going to LOVE seeing these blocks come together!

So that's it for this week!
Tell me below what size quilt you're making.

I'd love to see your progress on Instagram if you decide to share.
Please tag me @gigis_thimble and use the hashtags
#gigisthimblepattern, #stashhashquilt, and #stashhashqal 
so I don't miss a thing.

Also, just to let you know, I decided to continue sending the weekly reminders.
It seemed like a lot of you appreciate getting them and I am happy to do it.
Thanks for your input on that!

Have a great week!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Stash Hash Quilt Along: Week 1

Are you guys ready to get this party started!?
I'm so excited the day is finally here!

It's week 1 of the Stash Hash Quilt-Along and the assignment for this week is to gather 
the pattern and fabrics you plan to use.  I'm making a Christmas version because I have some 
really fun Christmas 10" squares I received in a swap I participated in a year or so ago.

As I've said before, Stash Hash is a great stash buster quilt 
AND it's perfect for pre-cuts!  It requires 5" squares, 2 1/2" squares and some 
2 1/2" rectangles so the 10" squares will give me what I need.

I'm excited to finally put those swap squares to good use!

For my background fabric, I am using the cream fabric that has little 
tan asterisks on it.  It's from the fabric line Christmas Figs II by Fig Tree & Co.  
I think it will add a nice contrast to my Christmas fabrics.

So that's it for this week!  We're starting things off nice and easy!

Will you do me a favor and post a picture on Instagram showing me your fabrics?!?
Be sure to tag me @gigis_thimble and use the hashtags 
#gigisthimblepattern, #stashhashquilt and #stashhashqal.  
I can't wait to see (and I think others will enjoy seeing them too)!
If you're not on Instagram, just leave a comment below telling me your plan.  
I'm dying to hear it!

Also, I have one question for you - 
can you tell me in the comment section below whether or not you would like 
to continue to receive the weekly QAL emails?  I was thinking...all of the info will be in the 
blog posts.  The emails will just be reminders to check out the blog posts.  
So instead of clogging up your inboxes and making one more step for myself I thought 
if you just planned on coming here each Monday morning (or whenever you can each week) 
that might be better for all of us!  But I am happy to do it if you prefer the reminders.  
Vote below with your preference and I'll do what the majority prefers.  Thanks guys!

If this is the first time you've heard about the Stash Hash Quilt-Along it's not too late to join.
HERE'S the Stash Hash QAL Homepage and you can get the pattern HERE.

Happy fabric pulling!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Stash Hash Quilt-Along

I'm excited to announce the Stash Hash Quilt-Along starting July 20th, 2020!

The first Stash Hash quilt was so fun to make.  I'm excited to make 
another one and I'd love for you to join me!  This pattern is great for using up stash and 
scraps but I also give you permission to buy new fabric if you want (wink, wink)!  
I can't wait to see it in more color schemes besides the scrappy rainbow version I made 
so start brainstorming what colors you want to do!

Here are the details for the Quilt-Along:

PATTERN: Stash Hash - available as a paper pattern or a PDF pattern 
in my Etsy shop.  Click HERE to shop.

DURATION: 13 weeks
DATE: July 20th, 2020 - October 18th, 2020
QUILT SIZE: choose between a Throw (64 1/2" x 80 1/2") or a Full (80 1/2" x 80 1/2").
The pattern also includes instructions for a Lap quilt but since that has significantly 
less blocks I am not including it in the Quilt-Along.  Of course you're welcome to make
that size but if you make it on your own there's a good chance you might finish it sooner.

Week 1 (July 20th): Get pattern and fabric
Week 2 (July 27th): Cut fabric
Week 3 - 12 (August 3rd - October 5th): Make 2-3 blocks each week 
(specific assignments will be give on Instagram and in blog posts).
Week 13 (October 12th): Assemble quilt top

Click HERE for a printable version of the schedule, fabric requirements and a bonus
coloring page!

FINISHED SIZE: 64½” x 80½”
# OF STARS: 10
BINDING: ⅝ yard
40” WIDE BACKING: 5 yards
BATTING: 72” x 88” 

FINISHED SIZE: 80½” x 80½”
# OF STARS: 13
BINDING: ²∕3 yard
40” WIDE BACKING: 7¹∕3 yards
BATTING: 88” x 88”

*This pattern is perfect for using up scraps & stash or leftover 5”, 10” or 2½” pre-cuts!  Note: Each Star Block requires eight assorted bright print 5” squares in the same color family.  Feel free to repeat some of the prints in each block or make multi-colored stars. You could also use an assortment of low-volume prints rather than white solid fabric as the background for extra scrappiness!

- Register for the Stash Hash Quilt-Along HERE.
- You will receive 1 weekly email through the duration of the Quilt Along.
- A new blog post will be up each Monday.
- Follow me @gigis_thimble and use the hashtag #stashhashqal on Instagram to post pictures.  I encourage you to follow and encourage other quilters in the hashtag group!  It's a great opportunity to make new quilty friends and receive inspiration on Instagram!

Let me know if you have any questions!
I look forward to sewing along with you!