
Friday, February 7, 2014

February Quilting To-Do's & a Wipe Board

Well, I took some time yesterday to think about what I wanted to accomplish this month and that got me thinking that I needed a cute little way to display my "to-do's".  I needed something that I could display right in front of my face so that I could stay focused.  (You know how you walk into a fabric store and get really excited and you completely forget why you were there in the first place?  Sometimes that can happen in my sewing room :)

While searching around on Pinterest I came across several cute (free!) to-do lists.  I settled on this one because I liked its simplicity and that it had boxes next to each line.  I mean, who doesn't like to check stuff off their lists?!?  That's the best part!

I trimmed the printout to size and stuck it behind the glass in this cute Ikea frame ~ and voila!  I now have a cute little wipe board that I can keep right by my sewing machine!

Now it's time for me to get busy!  

The "Things To Do" printable is available HERE via Pinterest.  
Sorry, but I couldn't find the original source. 

Happy quilting!
~ Amber


  1. So cute! Would make a great gift too.

  2. So cute! Would make a great gift too.

  3. Very clever, Amber. Practical and pretty!

  4. So nice to have your to-dos displayed so prettily, what a cute idea, good luck with completing them! x

  5. Diann, Cate, Pandchintz and I am Just One Mom:

    Thank you! It's really keeping me on track!

    Have a great day!

  6. Honeyguide,

    That's a great idea! I must remember that!

    Have a great day!


I ♥ to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment. I read each one and try to respond as often as I can. Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Amber