
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hi. My name's Amber. And I made a bag.

My Open Wide Zippered Pouch is finished. 
I actually finished it - that's the part that blows me away the most I think.

Don't get me wrong.  For most of you reading this, this pouch would be a snap to make.  The tutorial was great and I had lots of moral support :)  But for a girl like me, who doesn't do bags or zippers (have I said that before?) - this was kinda a big deal.  But in the end - it really wasn't that hard.  Imagine that.

I made the large version.  With two little pockets.

And a cute little (fray checked) ribbon pull.

And a cute little mini tab.

Yes, I made a bag
(excuse me, a pouch). 
It feels good.  I want to make lots more. 
And maybe get a little better at this sewing a zipper business.

The wonderful tutorial for this Open Wide Zippered Pouch can be found HERE.  3 different size options are included.

Happy sewing!
~ Amber


  1. OK, I'm in serious awe. I am very bagophobic (it's the dang zipper that scares the bejeebers out of me - LOL)

    Very cute pouch. I'm going to check out the tutorial - maybe I can do it. I seriously doubt it because I shut out at the mention of ZIPPER. LOL

  2. A lovely bag ... I avoid projects with zips but maybe I should give this a go ... Thanks for sharing :)

  3. What a cute the fabric! Thanks for sharing the link...I've never used zippers before but will have to give it a try!

  4. Yah for Amber! :) It's really cute! That's our fabric we got together. You made a bag & I made an apron. Super duper cute bag! I like how it stands up. It makes me think of a make-up bag.

  5. Love the cute, little bag and the fabric is so pretty! Another project to add to my list. Thank you for sharing.

  6. I just made a couple of those last week, the pockets are a lovely idea. I think it turned out beautifully!

  7. That's so cool! I think I might attempt to make one after a small zipper disaster! =D

  8. Great job on your pouch, I adore the fabrics you chose!
    Tabatha @

  9. Making things with zippers puts me off to, but i would love to have a go, your pouch is lovely. Well done.

  10. Yeah!!!!! Still struggling with zippers on my end...finally figured out I have a zipper foot.

  11. It looks great, the zipper looks perfect, you are making me want to attempt one!

  12. Great job Amber! I love your fabric choices!

  13. I love to make zipper bags! I have this pattern and am excited to make a few of these. Thank you for showing us your bag. I love the colors you chose.

  14. I love your little pouch and the colors you chose, great job!

  15. Your pouch is just adorable! Congrats, Amber, on your lovely accomplishment. I adore those colors!

  16. Yay Amber. You did a super job! It is so cute.
    I know what you mean about zippers and all.
    I made my first zippered and lined pouch
    the other day. It is on my blog. :0)
    Have a fantastic week. Trish xo

  17. What is it about zippers!!! Because of you I checked out the tutorial and I'm going to give this a try. Cross your fingers...

  18. What is it about zippers?? Because of you I looked at the tutorial and I'm going to give this a try...cross your fingers and thank you.

  19. It turned out so cute! Great job getting over your fear of zippers. :)

  20. I have never done one either Amber! I have been too chicken! Maybe I should give it a shot. Yours turned out so pretty!.


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