
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I've caught the bug.

Besides swimming lessons for the kiddos, a walk/run with my 8 year old, sewing a binding on a newly finished quilt [pictures coming soon]
and cleaning my kitchen for way too long, I pretty much wasted the day away "pinning".  I'm a bit technologically challenged, so I'm always a little slow jumping on the bandwagon of things like Pinterest, Twitter, Flicker, etc.  [I was pretty proud of myself though for figuring out how to get the "Pin It" button on my favorites toolbar yesterday.  It's been hard to stop pinning since then].  For those of you out there that have not yet caught the bug, let me tell ya that you're missing a whole lotta eye candy.

Here are just a few photos I've "pinned" today.

First, I found me a new project I want to do.
[Please don't hate.  I know this pattern is everywhere these days,
but I like it on everything and in every color!]

yeah.  that's a rug.
 [tutorial found here].

I've been inspired to spruce up my craft room.  Well, really I've been wanting to for a long time.  Isn't this cubby system fun?

There's been some serious color inspiration too. 
Is anyone else feeling orange and turquoise lately? 
I may or may not have a new pattern in the works using just these colors...

And, I suddenly need to make this quilt.
I've been ignoring that fact for far too long.

[All photos credit = Pinterest]

To follow me on Pinterest, just click on the link on my sidebar.  I'm having a lot of fun.  I think you will too :)


  1. Love all those thing!! I am doing orange and turquoise in my family room
    And I love it. That quilt is so cute, too!

  2. All beautiful! I'm not sure I get what Pinterest is yet, guess I need to check it out.

  3. I also had trouble figuring out how to get the pin it button on my computer.

  4. Been pinning for a while. It is quite addicting...but there is so much inspiration...and I can remember where I saw something that I would like to try...great FUN!

  5. Hello! :) I like that room with the cubbies in it too... ;) Isn't Pinterest amazing?

  6. I love pinning too! I also have become a Google+ member and am in a quilting circle( group of people who only post about quilting). I am going to check out all your cool pins.

  7. I just love all the photos!

  8. I'm not sure that I should try that.....I might spend the time I really don't have. ;)

  9. Ahhh...Pinterest. Bless its addicting little heart! I do love the orange and turquoise and have been planning to decorate my family room in those colors, but I've had a hard time finding fabric I love in those colors. So now Ive gone back to another addiction (I thought I was over) --Spoonflower!

  10. Wow, never heard of Pinterest till now... I can see getting very addicted. Looks very cool. I love the pics you have pinned.

  11. Pretty and inspiring. I have yet to catch the bug. :) I'm not sure I should try it. I already waste too much of my time online.

    Looking forward to our fig tree project. I looked at it online and it looks like it is only like 18" x 18". Small huh. Should be darling though.

  12. Oh we say around're so hosed. Life will never be the same now. I looooove pinterest and I waste WAY too much time there. And I laughed about you ignoring the hexies way too long -- I feel just the same way and I'm thinking a few more ufo finishes for me and they'll have to be addressed. Good Luck with your new time suck! ;-D


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