
Monday, August 30, 2010

Happily Ever After

Once upon a time there was a girl who liked to quilt (and other such crafty projects).  One day, not very long ago, she took a trip to a faraway land. 
She visited her beautiful family:
and her long lost friends from the days of yore:

While onst this special retreat, the young girl happened upon a magical place that held treasures and troves beyond her wildest beliefs (o.k. that's taking it a little far.  It actually was a little scary being in the Goodwill in downtown Portland, OR., but let's just say for the sake of the story that it was a WONDERFUL place.) 

Quickly, upon her arrival, she found it ~ a diamond in the rough.
A plaster framed mirror with intricate roses abounding.  The price?


She carried her little treasure home with her, unsure of where it's final resting place would be.

With a little tender loving care, she gave her new treasure a fresh, new start.

After a few coats of heaven's mist

and a hint of glaze (in all the right places), her little treasure was ready to make it's new home in a special corner of the girl's sewing room.

What once was a mirror, now is a message board (who needs to see who the "fairest of them all" is?  It's a craftroom for Pete's sake!)

All was fine in the kingdom and the girl was quite enjoying her new treasure, until a little troll decided to work her magic on the new treasure's friend (the throne ~ that the girl lovingly sat upon day in and day out.)

It was red, permanent and hideous!  The girl was sad.  She wanted to get the little troll but the troll was cunning with her cute smile and big blue eyes.

She decided to forgive the little troll and quickly realized that her throne friend might also benefit from a makeover.  So she got her tools and went to work.  It was a blessing in disguise.  The throne loved it's new look

and they all lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. YOU are a nut!! Thanks for making me smile this morning :)

  2. Love the new throne! P.S. That picture with all your friends is so cute. How is Sarah doing?! Did you guys have fun together?

  3. What a CUTE post Amber and I LOVE your decorating skills and all that you have created! WOW! You are so amazing!!!
    How fun for you to be with your friends again.

  4. How precious!! :o)
    What great finds, and so beautifully remade!!
    Happy Monday!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  5. What a very happy story. Love what you did tho the mirror frame!

  6. That smile and those big blue eyes - how could anyone be upset? Great message board.

  7. What fun makeovers . . . and the cutest little troll I've ever seen! :)

  8. Wow! That is quite an amazing transformation of the frame. It looks amazing! Sorry about the chair, but as you said, blessing in disguise! Neat stuff today. Thanks for sharing!

    xo -E

  9. And the lovely little troll felt loved as she should.

  10. That. is. a. REALLY. cool. frame. I love roses so therefore I LOVE this frame and putting a quilt in it was genius!!!

  11. Aaah! It turned out so cute! You sure do have a cute little troll!

  12. awesome. :)

    love the frame... so beautiful. :)

    And I have a little troll of my own...

  13. That's the cutest troll I've ever seen!

    Looks like a wonderful time with friends! I love the picture of you all laying in a circle.

  14. Super cute, all of it! You have really HOT friends! :)

  15. Amber, I love the treasure you found at the Goodwill. I love your wonderful mother's approach to fixing your chair...but most of all...I ADORE the wonderful 'Fairy Tale' you used to tell us this delightful and 'happily ever after' story. Yours is the first blog I popped into this morning and there is truly no better way to start your day than with the gift of a smile given to you by a friend. Thank you!!!

  16. You might be over the edge. But in a very good way LOL!


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