
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stash Manicuring AGAIN!

I was a little worried about guest posting for RaeAnn over at the blog Stash Manicure today.  Creating an interesting blog post can be a little difficult without a camera [mine's at Scout Camp and will be home later today].  But, thanks to my mom, I was able to get some photos of my latest finished quilt top.  Go check it out and learn about the fabric "freeze" I'm on!


  1. Amber, what a cute post and a gorgeous quilt!

  2. It is turning out SO cute! You've inspired me! Maybe today I will do some sewing. :)

  3. I am your newest follower your work is amazing. I am new to sewing and really want to get into quilting. What would a good beginner project be?


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