
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Sisters" gift exchange

My Sisters and Sister-in-laws did a little gift exchange this year. Those of us that felt crafty did handmade gifts and those that did not feel crafty, bought lovely items from charming retail establishments:). My sister Tammy, gave me a darling frame that had a little plaque at the top that said "Children" and then at the bottom it said:

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

I love the frame and quote. That quote really is true. My children enrich my life and make me a better person. I thank God every day for the opportunity to be a mother to two amazing little people! I've been searching my files looking for a very sweet picture to put in that frame - thanks Tams! She also gave me soap and paper that came in beautiful individual Christmas boxes. I love those kinds of things! You know me well!

I got to give to my Sister-in-law, Brittany, so I gave her a replica of a box I had made for myself a couple of years ago. It's meant to organize your family's annual Christmas photo and card/letter. There were dividers with tabs inside for her to write the year on. It was fun to make. I hope she liked it! I actually made two extra ones to sell on Etsy. Those are the only ones I took pictures of so here are some pictures of those. Brityany's was a combination of the two below.

I can't wait to see pictures of the other gifts that were made by my Sisters! If YOU have any handmade gifts you made this Christmas, post a link - I'd love to see them!


  1. Your box turned out very cute! I want one! Lucky Brittany! Talk to you soon!

  2. Where can I buy one?! I love it and would love to store pics and cards.

  3. What a cool idea! I want one too! Can you put your link to etsy up on your blog?

  4. Amber! I do love the crafty things you send me. It makes my sister jealous... which I secretly love.

  5. I love my little box. I want to keep it out all year long! Thank you!


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